- Add event image
- Location Maps
- Single day events
- Multiple day events
- You can create events that hold more than 1 day
- Ability to create all day events
- Add to Google Calendar feature
- Add to iCal, Outlook, etc. by downloading .ics file
- Advanced event locations system
- Advanced event organizer system
- Ability to insert images for locations and organizers
- Ability to tag events
- Ability to categorizing events in unlimited categories
- Repeating events
- Ability to create daily events
- Ability to create weekly events
- Ability to create monthly events
- Ability to create yearly events
- Ability to repeat events on weekdays and weekends
- Ability to set custom intervals for events.
- Never end events
- Ability to create never end events
- Ability to set a certain date for event finish
- Ability to finish an event after certain repeats
- Event countdown
- Simple and Advanced Google Maps direction feature
- Shortcode creator interface
- Advanced filtering options for shortcode creator
- Dynamic event labels
- Ability to hide past events in shortcodes
- Ability to insert custom CSS in settings
- Ability to show only featured events
- Smooth Month navigation
- More than 10 different map styles for Google Maps
- Ability to export all events from WP backend
- Support comment form in single event page
- Translation Ready
- English and Spanish language support
Display options
- Font Awesome icons
- Multiple color skins
- Ability to select custom colors
- Monthly/Calendar view
- Weekly view
- Daily View
- List/Grid views
- Map view
- Show events on the Google Maps based on their location
- RTL support
- Custom colors for events
- Ability to create various kind of tickets
- Ability to set a limit on total bookings
- Ability to set a limit for certain tickets
- Ability to create free tickets
- Add custom fields to booking form
- Global Tax/Fee creation system
- Ability to create certain fees for each event
- Coupons and Discount manager
- Ability to disable coupons feature
- Advanced currency options
- Implemented 3 payment methods
- Pay locally
- PayPal Express
- PayPal Credit Card
- Ability to enable/disable payment methods
- Send different notifications to booker/admin
- Booking notification for booker/attendee
- Booking notification for admin
- Booking verification to attendee
- Booking confirmation by admin to attendee
- Ability to automatically verify free and/or paid bookings
- Ability to completely disable booking feature if you don’t want to use it.
- CSV export option for bookings
- MS Excel export option for bookings
- WPML ready
- WordPress Multisite ready
- Visual Composer addon
- Cache plugins compatibility
- SEO plugins compatibility
- Completely developer friendly
- Ability to override archive and single pages in a theme
- Ability to override skin files in a theme
- Ability to filter plugin options using WordPress filtering system
- Ability to fire custom functions using WordPress actions API
Bold Features
- WooCommerce Payment Integreation
- Stripe Payment Integreation
- Mailchimp Integration
- BuddyPress Integration
- Archive Page Skin
- Single and Multiple day events
- Advanced Google Maps
- Import events from Google Calendar and Facebook
- Export filtered events into CSV, MS Excel, JSON and XML formats
- Exceptional Days
- Google Recaptcha
- Hourly Schedule
- Available Widget in all Sidebar
- Matching Shortcode and Widget
- Matching Shortcode and Visual Composer
- Custom CSS
- Advanced categorizing and filtering options
- Event note for frontend event submission
- Frontend Event Submission
- Notifications
- Recurring/Repeating events
- Next Event Module
- Shortcode Creator
- Auto verification ( Email & Booking )
- Taxes / Fees
- Multiple color skins
- Slider View
- Cover View
- Countdown View
- Carousel View
- Monthly/Calendar View
- Weekly View
- Daily View
- List/Grid View
- Map View
- RTL support
- Booking
- Advanced Tax/Fee system
- Multiple Tickets system
- event submission by guest (Not logged-in) users
- Event Details/Single Event Page
- Coupons/Discount system
- PayPal Integration
- Multisite Ready
- WPML Ready
- SEO ready
- Developer friendly
- Choose Weekends
- Create Booking Form
- Eruop language completed