Mon, Jan 27, 08:00

Conference on Web Research

Copper Box Arena London


Conference Details




The Copper Box Arena
1562 Lawrence Street
Denver, CO 83652

Oct 29 -Nov 1, 2020

Barrera Ramsey, Ph.D.

Web Desigener Conference President [email protected]

Bryan Stone, Ph.D.

Web Desigener Conference Chair [email protected]

About the Event of Web Desigener Conference 2020

In the event of BSF43, lots of academics, scholars and also practitioners are gathering to discuss around the point where web design theory and practice reconcile.

Join Us & Register Now

We ask all the academics and practitioners in this fascinating area of study and work to join us on our journey to a new world where the practice and theory join.

Our 2020 Conference Speakers

Conference Schedule

The meeting is on 26st, April, 2020 and will be about 11 hours. Web design practice and science will both be discussed in depth and a sample work will be created.

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